It’s been such a busy week, and I’m awfully tired tonight. It’s been too long since my last post. There have been so many things I have wanted to share as we have gone about our days, yet the minutes quickly turned into hours and the hours turned into days and then were gone… with nary a minute to post.
God has closed some doors for us this week, and opened others.
As many of you know, we have had our children in Christian school for the past two years, and have a made a decision to home school again this year. God really confirmed our decision to home-school this week. The kids received their bus passes. Their ride would have been around 90 minutes each way which is much too long for all of the children but especially our little ones. I’m a stay at home mom. That’s just not what we want for our kids.
I am always overwhelmed with how much I really enjoy spending time with our children, and how quickly time is passing. I have been aware of a deep thankfulness that I don’t have to send them back to school in a week and a half. As I kiss the children each night before they go to bed, I remember all the stress I felt trying to keep up last year, and I feel an incredible peace knowing that I’ll be teaching them at home now.

Blessings All!

Congrats!! That is exactly what I felt when I finally made that momentous decision… peace! Amazing, wonderful, overwhelming, why-didn’t-I-do-this-before PEACE. And it’s been that way ever since. I am not the perfect homeschool mom, far from it, but I haven’t regretted a single day, not one second. I will pray for you now, and you are not behind, just jump in where you are!
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Andrea! I do finally have real peace about it all now. The decision has been a tough one, primarily because our older ones really wanted to be in school with their friends. They still do really, but now they are getting in to other things. I tend to always lean toward home-schooling, but changing the kids at their ages was a difficult decision!
And thanks for saying I’m not late! 🙂 Kids in the North East have not started yet. Typically they don’t start here until after Labor Day.
Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! You are a blessing!
God bless you!
Hi Diane,
I struggle with the thought of putting my children on a bus…yet for a 90 minute ride. Oh my…I didn’t know any child would have to sit on a bus that long. That’s 3 hours on a bus each day. It sounds so crazy to me. I am grateful that you have the option of homeschooling! Praise God! 🙂
We had to make the difficult decision of taking our children out of private schools this year. It was not easy but we didn’t have an option. So far things are going better than we expected!
Love and blessings,
It is crazy, Robin! We thought we could fight it, but apparently there is no written law regarding how long it is acceptable for a child to be on a bus.
Praying for your sweet blessings! (All five of them!)
God bless you!
Hi Diane,
I am glad for your decision! I know how much work it is to homeschool! While my kids went to Christian school, my sister homeschooled her three all the way through. She just sent her two girls to college at Liberty to join her son who was already there. She misses them so . . . she enjoyed the time with them all the days of homeschooling.
I will pray that it goes well.
I’m sure she does miss them!
We have home schooled before. Our oldest has been in school for eleven years, and we home schooled for three of those years, and the other seven he has been in Christian school. I do know it is hard, but we’re thinking maybe not as hard as keeping up with traditional school!
Thanks for your comment!