It’s raining gently here in South Jersey. We are hunkering down and settling in for a long weekend indoors, and hopefully a cozy and dry one!
I braved the grocery store and BJ’s yesterday with five of our nine children in tow. I’m not sure but I think I might qualify for an award for that. 🙂 Wow, the stores were crazy!
Here’s a picture of a few of the things I picked up. Our cupboards are full. What a blessing that is all by itself!
We also froze sandwich bags full of water to pack our freezers and keep the food cold.
In the midst of our preparations, we paused to celebrate Olivia’s and my father’s birthdays at my parents’ house.
Here’s a picture of the birthday girl and her Pop-pop.
And the birthday cake!
And the onlookers.
Here’s a glimpse of a very special relationship that blesses my heart, our oldest and his youngest sister.
Stay safe and dry everyone!