Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,… ~Colossions 4;6
I’ve been thinking a lot about our words lately. We focus so much today on the freedom of expression. We encourage the expression of ugly feelings, sadness, disappointments, and frustration. We encourage our children to express themselves with unfettered freedom. We excuse our […] Read more…
Here So Soon?
I suppose I always knew this day would come.
This day, when my baby boy became a man.
But somehow while I was loving him,
I was unaware of the passage of time,
and this day arrived before I was ready. But there was something else that alluded me,
the feelings of pride this day would bring.
Blessings ALL!
(Sorry for the […] Read more…
My First Black and White Wednesday
I decided to try my hand at a few black and whites.
And having never done this before…
and definitely out of my comfort zone,
I must say, I’m rather nervous.
But, I thought I would face my fears,
and give it a try.
Curriculum Questions
I wouldn’t say I am a well seasoned home-schooler. I have homes-schooled for three of our eleven years of educating our children. But I have to say, I have a homeschooling heart. I absolutely love to have my children around me. I love to be in our home, reading, writing, and learning about God’s world […] Read more…