Lately it seems like my mind is going a mile a minute. I think of all the things I need to make sure my children learn. I think about each of their needs. I wonder if I’m preparing my sons for adulthood. My mind is filled with what I need to get at the grocery store, and with just getting out the door.
I think about fundraising to bring home a sweet teenage blessing from China, and I wonder how we’ll meet her needs too.
And I wonder, in the midst of all the busyness of my mind, do my children see me smile at them?
Do I make the effort to pause my rapid firing brain and connect with my children each day with a warm heartfelt smile? Do my eyes rest on theirs ?
Do I show each one how much I enjoy them?
Do I take the time to communicate to each one with a smile what an incredible privilege it is to be their mother?
I want my children to see me smile at them. Don’t you?