Hi Everyone!
Our Social worker is coming today for our home study visit.
We’ve been running around here putting everything in its place so we at least look like we can manage all these children!
Everything looks great. I’ve reminded the children that hanging from the rafters and jumping on the furniture is probably not a […] Read more…
My Valentine
I waited a long time for this man.
I wanted him for as long as I can remember, this man with whom I would share my life. I knew he was out there, somewhere, perhaps even looking for me too.
And I knew God knew him.
I dreamed of him when I closed my eyes at […] Read more…
Our Precious Surprise
I didn’t expect it.
I didn’t even know that Bi Lu knew we were working to bring her home.
Never the less, there it was, in my email, precious photos of a card and a letter written by our daughter’s own hand!
It took my breath away to see her beautiful, Chinese characters written to a Mom and […] Read more…
A Letter!
Oh be still my heart!
Today we received a letter from our precious new daughter. It is completely in Chinese, and is being translated right now!
Perhaps tomorrow, I can share parts of her letter.
“He places the lonely in families!” Psalm 68:6
Just Sharing My Thoughts Today
Sometimes the needs of a large family just seem so diverse and vast that I’d like to hit a pause button somewhere just to slow things down a bit.
We had to make a few quick decisions for our oldest son, Andrew, this week. He is seventeen and in eleventh grade. As many of […] Read more…
A Farewell
Right after Christmas, our Korean exchange students arrived.
I’m sure they felt strange at first,
but it didn’t take long till they were one of the boys.
The kids made some new friends,
and we shared our lives…and the puppies…
and, in return, were so blessed by these boys, our sons from a foreign land.
Saying Goodbye was really hard.
There were […] Read more…