Here’s another translation of Bilu’s letter. This one was done by a sweet Chinese woman named Ping that I met through a Facebook friend. Her translations are very good, and you can see how much variety there is when doing a translation. This one makes a bit more sense to me.
Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you!
Thank you for writing to me. I feel so loved and happy when I saw my family the very first time. I am so thankful that you adopted me as your daughter. I know you will give me a happier life. I will help my new family by helping mom and dad doing house work, listen to mom and dad, will not often act childish and selfish, and will communicate with mom and dad when I face difficult times. I am going to join my real family. I will help to take care of it even when mom and dad are not available.
I like writing to you, playing computer and games. I was born in 1998 September 18th. I wish to celebrate my birthday with dad, mom, my brothers and sisters. I miss you all so much, I love you all. Last I wish you are having a good time, be happy, and joyful. Thank you. I will not let you and let our family down!
Love you mom and dad.
Blessings All!

I love the line…”I will not often act childish.”