Karla from Lifeline just emailed us at 3:59am to say that we need to be in XI’an on the 8th!!!
We will get Evangeline on the 9th in Baoji City, and Eliza on the 13th in Guangzhou!
We are waiting to hear from the travel agent. According to our estimates, we are still about $1,500 short, but we will know more when we get firmer numbers on the plane tickets.
We will travel before TA. We do not have time to wait for it, so it is risky.
We will trust the One who called us!!!
I’ll keep you posted!!

So thrilled for all of you! Faithful God. Always on time. Never early {oh how less adventurous it would be if He was}…I knew He would, I knew He would, I knew He would!! Yippee Jesus!
Linny Saunders recently posted..Pictures
WOW……….. GOD IS GOOD! All glory and praise to our Lord and Savior!
She is from Baoji??? How did I not catch that?!?! Our Hope is from Baoji!!! There is a family vsisiting the SWI this week fro a reunion tour. Do you belong to both the FB and yahoo groups??
Usually the SWI will ask if you want to visit….we declined back in 2006 because Hope was sick but i wish we would have….
I will be praying!!!
Desiree recently posted..Bubbles~
LOVE THIS!!!!! GO GOD!!!! So excited for you!!! Start packing, sister!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Praise the LORD!!!