Today we went to the Safari in the Panyu district with our group. It was a beautiful day, and both of the girls seemed to enjoy it.
Evangeline has made friends with a little four year old in our group and is such a little mother to her.
Our favorite was the panda exhibit. This one was so cute just sitting there eating some bamboo.
The mobs have all gone home, as abruptly as they came. The Garden Hotel is busy repairing the damage and putting the shops back in order. Here’s a picture of some of the many panes of glass that need to be repaired. In this picture, the men are painting the ply wood black.
Apparently tomorrow is the anniversary of a war with Japan (or something, don’t quote me), and they are expecting some difficulty again. Our guides have suggested we leave the Hotel early in the morning to avoid getting stuck in the hotel all day.
Most of our group has their consulate appointments tomorrow morning so we have a free day. We plan to go over to Shamian Island to look around. Do any of you know of some specific shop owners we should be sure to look for? We would like to get the girls Bibles in Mandarin. Do you know of any Christian shop owners we could stop by and see?
I have heard many things are changing on the island, and some shop owners have lost their shops. We would love to have the opportunity to encourage them in some way while we are here.
Evangeline could not be doing any better. Her foot is improved every time we change the bandage. We met a couple of friends who know the names of a couple of Shriner’s who may be able to sponsor Evangeline. We would love to be able to take her to Shriner’s for her back and her feet. She seems completely comfortable with us, and is very well behaved. She appears so happy and is very comfortable with giving and receiving love.
Eliza had a better day today. She seemed to enjoy the safari and sitting with us all at lunch as we ate. She is more quiet and appears to have more of a desire to withdraw from us, so with the language barrier, it does get a little difficult to keep her included, and sometimes she just does not want us to include her.
There are times when she just refuses to comply. We are praying about that for now. I’m really not sure how to handle that on the island, and I am sure this is all really hard for her. Ms. Zhong told us in the orphanage, she is friendly and lively, and we have only seen a very little of that personality.
We are praying for wisdom about how to develop a relationship with her, and for peace and healing for her heart. In the beginning, she wanted to hold my hand, but not now. We are asking God to give life and healing to precious Eliza through us as we walk in obedience to Christ, and choose to love his children!
‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:39-40
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You can check out Lucy’s for lunch or dinner. It is near the White Swan hotel which had been the traditional adoption hotel when the consulate and the clinic were all located on the island. You will see a lot of fashion/ wedding photographers taking pictures of people in beautiful clothes. I am not sure how many shops are still open now. It was very relaxing and quiet compared to the rest of China when we were there last year. I have heard really good things about the Philadelphia Shriners hospital. It sounds like they specialize in SB. There is a huge market right across the bridge from the island with lots of stuff to look at : food, exotic pets , spices , etc. The scorpions were fascinating :-). That’s also super close to a shopping complex with all kinds of shops. We spent several hours touring the market one of the days we were there.
I will pray for Eliza. Sounds like she is grieving her old life.