The winds are really blowing hard again here as the back half of the storm moves across South Jersey. We are still doing well though and have not lost power.
Praise God!
The girls weathered the storm well too.
And we have yet another memory we share with them.
They did not seem scared at all. Evangeline seemed more interested in watching the news about the storm than Eliza did, but I still think she knew exactly what was going on.
Eliza spent quite a bit of time today doing her English on the Rosetta Stone software we purchased for the girls. She is also doing a lot on She is doing well, and today she even tried to speak in complete sentences to us. I think she really wants to learn English.
At one point, I called down to Mark and said, “Is Sophia still on the computer?”
Eliza called up to me and said, “No, Mommy!”
So, she must have understood that!
Tonight Eliza came in and sat on our bed with us and some of the other older children while we watched the news and chatted about what a monotonous day it was today as we waited for the storm. Eliza asked for the iPad and joined in the conversation with the translation app. She seemed so comfortable and natural, like she was just one of the kids.
Then the kids decided to watch a movie together and asked Eliza if she wanted to watch it too, and off she ran with the kids and a smile on her face.
These may seem like little things, but they mean so much to me because I can see her really belonging.
The other bit about Eliza that I am really noticing as she uses the translator more is that she can really write well. She knows all the characters and her sentences translate beautifully. This is so noticeable to me because Evangeline has used the translator with us a lot, yet she struggles to find the characters to express her thoughts. I think her education was much more sketchy than Eliza’s. It is also so remarkable to me because it shows how linguistically capable Eliza is even though she has been so reluctant to communicate with us.
As I begin to think about settling down for the night and trusting the winds to God, I am aware of what a special blessing God gave us today with our Eliza. He gave us another glimpse of our beautiful daughter who is blossoming before our eyes.

Diane, It’s good to hear that you and your family are safe. I pray God’s protection on you and your home as you rest.
What a sweet update on Eliza! It made me smile so I know you heart must be leaping with joy over these positive signs of bonding to you and your family.
Vicky Simpson recently posted..What about you?
Hi Diane! I’m an ESL instructor. Eliza seems to be doing so well! Know that, with a second language, students understand more at first than they produce…so she can probably understand a LOT of what you are saying, but the production/spoken English will move a bit more slowly. Enjoy this time! Also, you may want to get one or two Oxford Picture Dictionaries…they help alot as well! I also recommend the Betty Azar grammar book series (red is the beginner level and it is just wonderful!)