Our girls are thriving.
And no doubt, they are thriving because of God’s miraculous hand in their lives.
But there are nine precious children who have welcomed Eliza and Evangeline into their lives with a grace and a strength that is rather remarkable.
We have not had jealousy, or strife, or resentment, but instead the children have embraced the girls and shared their very lives with their newest sisters. I have been amazed as I have watched the relationships develop among the children.
Just today Andrew and Evangeline were pealing potatoes for dinner together. I had tears in my eyes as I watched our oldest son tenderly and gently laugh and talk with his tiny Chinese sister. And Evangeline just loved every minute of working with her oldest brother.
Our biological children are fulfilled and have been ever so blessed to be a part of this miracle we are living.
I could go on and on about each one and share so many stories, but we have appointments at Children’s Hospital bright and early again in the morning.
This time, I’ll let a few pictures tell the story.
I took these during our homeschool the past few days.
Every one is precious to me.
Olivia needed an impromptu bath.
I love this picture. In the mirror you can see Eliza’s face. The girls were deeply involved in conversation.
Here Sophia was helping Evangeline with her math.
And Eliza is always our happy girl. She loves having a family.
Below Andrew is explaining something to Colin.
And really, is there anything better than a big brother?
My sweet boy…
David is helping Olivia with her letters,
And here he is showing her how to hold the pencil.
3 Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 127:315a
Eliza and Evangeline belong.
We are all so blessed to be walking this path together.

It is quite amazing the transformation in Eliza’s photo’s compared to when she first arrived home…..she just glows with happiness now….that strikes me every time I see her in photo’s now….what you are doing seems to be working…
pictures tell more than a thousand words… Happy weekend!
warm regards,
I love how the boys are practically on top of each other, despite all space on the floor and furniture. 🙂 Beautiful family!
Precious children!!
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