Last night our sweet Jonathan prayed the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to forgive his sins and be his Savior.
I always pray with the little boys and lay down with them as they go to sleep. We have so many wonderful conversations during those quiet moments at the end of the day.
Last night we talked about Heaven.
We dreamed about how wonderful it will be when we are all there together.
The boys had so much to say about how strong their new bodies will be.
And of course, they are certain Jesus has dinosaurs in Heaven.
It had been quiet for a few moments and I thought they had fallen a sleep. Then Jonathan said, “Mommy, I really want to ask Jesus to be my Savior, but I’m really scared.”
Oh my heart. How I had prayed for this moment!
When he finished praying, he said in his sweet little voice, “Whew. I am so glad I’m going to Heaven when this body wears out. And I’m pretty sure Jesus doesn’t have Net Nanny in Heaven.”
We love you little Jon!

Oh…. Praise God!
Precious…we just had the discussion about dinosaurs in heaven tonight, too. 🙂