Tonight, over two thousand years ago, He hung there on the cross, broken, His life pouring out for me, for the world.
I see Him there, amidst the darkness and the excruciating pain, crying out to His Father to sustain Him.
And I feel the incredible cost of redemption, unmerited and free.
He bought […] Read more…
Today Evangeline walked with the help of a walker, a knee immobilizer, and her braces.
When I look at her in this picture, I think of one word.
I think of Evangeline’s triumphant spirit, and I am reminded of our triumphant Savior shining victorious and strong amidst the brokenness of her feeble body. […] Read more…
The Duggars, Large Families, and Adoption
I watched the Duggar’s visit to China tonight along with most of the Chinese adoption community.
I have also read many of the negative comments virally exploding on Facebook about such a large family considering growing their family even more by adoption.
I even read one very critical comment suggesting the Duggars should have […] Read more…
The days have passed and the words for an update just have not come.
Evangeline is healing from surgery. She is perky and sweet and overwhelmingly precious.
Yet her leg just drapes across the bed and hangs unsupported when she stands. It is improving, ever so slowly. She can move it with incredible effort, […] Read more…
Today She Shines
Today has been a day of great improvement for Evangeline!
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. ~Isaiah 58:8
The physical therapists were able to get her out of […] Read more…
Pressing On
Things are really hard for Evangeline right now.
She is not bouncing back from this surgery well at all. She is still flat on her back and in literal agony when they try to move her.
Her leg has not improved since the earliest movements of a couple of days ago. Her tongue […] Read more…
We Praise Him
As I have talked to the Neurosurgeon more and more, I have begun to understand more clearly about Evangeline’s spine and what happened in the operating room.
Children with Diastomatemyelia have a split spinal cord separated by a boney spur that penetrates the cord.
Usually, children with this situation have two healthy cords.
Evangeline does […] Read more…
Tuesday Night Update
I just wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone who has been praying for Evangeline.
She is doing well, and just tonight has been allowed to start a little food.
She is still lying flat on her back and will need to be lying flat until tomorrow late afternoon.
She can move her […] Read more…
She Moved!!!
I don’t know any more.
We’re still waiting for the doctors.
BUT, she woke up and stretched, and her knee came off the bed six inches!!!
Praise God!!!!
I’ll keep you posted!!!!!
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Tuesday Morning
It is 9:30am here in ICU.
I’m waiting for the doctor’s to make their rounds.
Evangeline had a peaceful night.
Here is her best attempt at a smile.
Her pain isn’t too bad. She has to stay flat on her back for at least 48 hours which would be late afternoon tomorrow.
She […] Read more…