Amanda was the first child the Cross’s adopted from China.
She is bubbly and sweet, and has quite a sense of humor.
And she fits in wonderfully with our fun loving, crazy kids.
Amanda came home from China with a curve in her spine and reduced lung capacity that would have most likely ended her life by the time she was thirteen because of the lack of room for her vital organs to expand. When she was five, she had VEPTR surgery to increase her lung capacity and straighten her curve. She was one of the first children to have this surgery after it was approved by the FDA.
A VEPTR is a titanium adjustable rod that is placed between the ribs and against the spine to enable a child to grow with the most possible lung capacity and least amount of scoliosis.
This is the same surgery Evangeline will have sometime this summer.
Amanda has made the trip from her home in the South up to Shriners in Philiadelphia every six months to have the VEPTR adjusted to her growth.
On one visit up to Shriners, Lori and Amanda stayed with us at our house. Sweet Amanda had made pillows for our girls, and they were waiting for them when they arrived home from china.
Amanda is home schooled with her brothers and sisters and does very well in her studies!
What a sweet blessing she is and will be to her newest sister, Adéye Grace.
Precious Adéye Grace is waiting in China, and you can be a part of bringing her home by donating via the donate button on the top of my blog.
I would like to do a silent, online auction to help bring Adéye home. If you have something to donate, please leave a comment or message me. Your gift will help to change the life of one very special little one and bless a family who has travelled to China for so many special needs kids.
Thank you so very much.

When would you need the items?
She looks like she is doing really well ! I hope my daughter has similar results with her VEPTR.
I recently bought a 1/2 ct. grey diamond solitare, sterling silver ring. I would love to donate it. How can I send it to you or would you rather I take a picture and email you and then send it directly to the winner? It would be a beautiful engagement ring or a promise ring.
Let me pray. I want to do more.
I would like to make something to contribute to the auction. It will be something quilted or embroidered, or both. Probably adoption related. Not sure what just yet.
You can email me at:
thomas temple @ bellsouth . net
Like Stacey above suggested, I could send you photos to post to your auction site, then I can just mail directly to the winner.
Thanks, Laura