From Teresa’s mother…
This morning Teresa came out of surgery with her right ventricle struggling but not too bad. A few hours later she went into full cardiac arrest and had cpr performed for over thirty minutes. She was put on life support (ECMO).’ Her left and right ventricle are not functioning at all. At this point the Doctors are unsure of what is the cause. The best case scenario would be the heart was shocked from the transplant and needs time to adjust. But it has no function at all ( not good). If this does not improve she would have to be relisted while staying on ECMO. (not good)Things could not get get much worse.
Life is so fragile and could be gone in a second. We are trying to hold on to the little bits of hope. She is urinating and her body is warm . She has had several blood transfusions and is bleeding from her nose from the blood thinners for ECMO(not good).
I am reminded of Mary and Martha , when they called upon Jesus to come and help Lazarus because he was sick. Jesus did not come right away . Lazarus died.
I believe Jesus did not come right away because He did not want to cure a sick man , He wanted to raise a dead man , a much bigger miracle.
We are holding onto hope that this is what Jesus wants for Teresa. Not to cure a sick child but to perform a HUGE MIRACLE and miraculously have Teresa’s heart start beating again in full function. Please pray for this miracle it is huge . She needs her left and right ventricle to start beating. The longer she is on ECMO the more problems her body will face…bleeding,stroke, blood clots, organ failure, brain damage.
Thank you all for continuing to pray and offer loving support. Please ask everyone you know, Pray for Teresa. All things are possible with God!

I’m sure praying. God CAN!
Pat recently posted..Trip to the Fabric Market
Oh no. Praying here too. Please, G-d….