Here is the latest update from Ann.
First I would like to thank our wonderful community an church for the beautiful prayer service last night . I was told it was amazing . This does our heart good . Our friends are amazing ! Teresa had a pretty good night . We had a few scary moments but she quickly fought back . She is really trying to be the boss of her new heart . Her liver and kidney function was very high so we need those numbers to come down . We are waiting for rounds . The talk is the left ventricle may not be functioning because of how small her old left ventricle was ( almost none existent ) and thus is causing problems with how the new heart was connected . This could mean she would need another major surgery to correct. She still has very little heart function . Her body is trying to recuperate from the stress yesterday of cardiac arrest and CPR . She has a very high chance of seizures because of this so she is hooked up to a n EEG to monitor brain function for seizures .
I know god has thus and is in complete control . We are praying for a complete healing and for god to be glorified through Teresa s life . Our girl is fighting hard to live . She wanted so much to be able to ride her princess bike without her oxygen .
Thank you all for all the prayers love and support! We can not answer everyone but please know your prayers and love are carrying Ed and I .
We have also been blessed by wonderful doctors and nurses here at CHOP.
Teresa s nurse last night painted her nails pink . She has had her princess tiara on the entire time and they even let her go into the or wearing her gown and tiara . The hospital gown was just not princessy enough .
Please also pray for Teresa’s HERO , her heart donor. I can not wait to listen to it beating …. Hopefully soon .
Keep praying!