From Ann…
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Baby Steps
Teresa is taking baby steps. She is still teaching me so much on this journey. Right now it is patience and giving complete trust and control to God.Teresa is stable at the moment. We will let her heart rest a few more days and then she will have another major surgery on Monday. We are praying for no major complications while on ECMO and for her kidneys to start functioning better.
She is fighting so hard. She is now opening her eyes a little and squeezing our hand and answering questions with a squeeze. We can tell that magical princess personality is still there( this was a concern after suffering through CPR for thirty minutes).
Dr. Fuller feels confident she will be able to somehow repair the left atrium pulmonary veins. She will know more when she actually visualizes her heart.
For me I wanted the echo to show full , perfect heart function today and be taken off ECMO. This didn’t happen.
Her eyes , nose and mouth are still bleeding from the blood thinners that are needed for the ECMO machine to not clot.
It is very difficult to watch Teresa cry silent tears.
We feel so helpless.
She is trying so hard to be the boss.Today we had a wonderful visit from Casey Cares! What an unexpected bit of happiness.
Three of my best friends alsodrove up to visit and brought Gemma ,Emilia and Grace for a visit.
Meredith ,the child life specialist helped to prepare the girls for all of the machines that they would see hooked up to Teresa. They all held her hand and talked to her.
We are taking everything day to day and minute to minute, one baby step at a time.
Thank you for all of the prayers and love. Please know we read and hear all of them and are so grateful!God is in control and will need a few more days to perform Teresa’s miracle.
Teresa’s Story will be on the Today Show on NBC Friday june 21(tomorrow).
Please keep praying!