So many times in life blessings come to us through the hard things.
So it is for Evangeline.
She’s had a whirlwind year with illness and surgeries, but today, she walks without crutches, has a family that loves her immeasurably, and has been granted the opportunity by the Make A Wish Foundation to make […] Read more…
Cow Appreciation Day
Yesterday was cow appreciation day at Chick-fil-A.
If you dressed as a cow from head to toe, you got your meal absolutely free.
And for a family our size, that’s a pretty decent piece of change.
We had so much fun!
The girls have been home ten months now. I am in awe of how […] Read more…
Summer Birthdays
Victoria was born on June 25th. Jonathan was born on the the 29th, and Sophia was born on the 4th of July.
So our 4th of July picnic always ends up doubling as a birthday celebration.
Jonathan and Steven enjoyed checking out the gifts.
Sophia finally got a pair of hoop earrings. She’s waited […] Read more…
I Love You More
I wanted to share this post with you from Teresa’s mother, Ann.
You can read it here.
Please pray for Ann and Ed as they grieve this terrible loss. They gave everything they had and so much more to enable sweet Teresa to know love, and now this loss feels especially excruciating.
May God hold […] Read more…
Celebrating Her Life
I want to write this morning about Teresa, and how she blessed our lives in the short time we knew her.
I want to write about how Jesus shines amidst the brokenness of our lives.
And perhaps I may do that today.
But I want to share dear Ann’s post about their great loss and […] Read more…
Riding With Jesus
Sometimes God’s ways are not our ways, and I am broken to share this most recent update from Ann.
” At 3:23 pm on July 1st, Teresa has ridden her princess bike into Heaven to meet Jesus. She had her ears pierced shortly before her last breath. While we were not there when she took […] Read more…
Critical Time For Teresa
Ann’s latest update.
Teresa was taken back at 8 . They just started putting in the right vad. Please keep praying this is a critical time . She needs a left and right vad and her chest is very small . Please continue to pray for very low pulmonary pressure .
We’re wearing our crowns today […] Read more…