Month: June 2014

Second Update on Evangeline

The nurse just came out and said one rod is in, and now they’ll put the next one in. Then, they start working to see how much correction they can get, and then the bone grafts.
Thanks for your prayers!
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First update on Evangeline.

The nurse just came out and said all the screws are placed. Now they will begin to slowly put the bars in and do the bone grafts. So far so good.
The nurse has come out every hour, but until now there wasn’t much happening. Now is the crucial time as they try to straighten […] Read more…

Spinal Fusion

Evangeline is in surgery today for her spine. It has been falling quickly as she has grown since coming home, and has fallen to 117*. She has a rare condition called diastomatemyelia, which is a deformity where the spinal column splits and is pierced by a boney spur.
Many of you know that the […] Read more…

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