Yes. I was an avid homeschooler for years. And in my heart, I still love homeschooling. Yet there came a day in January when I knew that the needs were too big for me alone, and that I needed help educating my children. I could no longer do it justice.
So, last January, in the midst of my very low point, I sent our elementary kids to school, and our eighth grader, Colin. They thrived, and it was an overwhelming relief to me.
This year, Eliza and Evangeline are going to school too.
They started yesterday.
They had a great day!
So this year we have four in elementary, one in middle school, and two in high school. The buses come at 6:30, 7:40, and 8:30. And in the middle of that, Evan has to be driven to Votech for computers by 8:00. It’s quite a morning!
Colin will be going to boarding school with the Atlantic City Ballet. He starts 9th grade and leaves on Sunday. Victoria is finishing up her senior year at home and will be applying to colleges for the fall.
Andrew is working at a restaurant, and will be starting college in January.
God is good! And we are so proud of every single one of the kids. They are all doing so well.
Here are some pictures.
God bless you all!
They are all doing so well because the love of God is being poured out on each of them. May God continue to strengthen you and Mark as you shepherd the hearts of your precious ones.
I have a mix of public schoolers and homeschoolers myself! I WANT to homeschool them all but I am not able to do that right now. I have considered sending them all to school for a season, but I think I’ll make it through this year homeschooling the older two. (I have four kids total) God bless you!
Rachel Davis recently posted..August 2014 at the Davises