Giggles tumble in from the kitchen where our children are gathered. Deep belly laughter interupts the momentary quiet of the evening. Sophia has just gotten home from ballet, her long hair hangs in a curtain down her back, Evangeline is sitting on a stool in pajamas preparing a late night snack, and Steven is still […] Read more…
The Time Has Come
Precious Jeremiah will turn fourteen on January 3rd. Once a child turns fourteen in China, they can no longer be adopted. The life that awaits children that are not adopted is often wrought with a lifetime of horrific abuse, loneliness and neglect.
Travel dates have been set for the Feltes family to fly to China on […] Read more…
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I Praise Him!
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; Daniel 2:21
Tonight, on this eve of the appointing of the new president of the United States of America, I praise God for all that He will do to bring […] Read more…
One day blurs into the next with the seeming endlessness of an ocean, void of boundaries, direction, clarity. The children’s schedules fill my days, and life hurries on. My moments are filled with the minutia of life, and I lose myself there, amidst the lunches and clothes and driving and homework and signing of agendas.
I […] Read more…