Merry Christmas

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~ John 8:12

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. […] Read more…

I’m home

I want to thank all of you who prayed for our family, for each one of your encouraging comments and for each meal prepared while I was in the hospital. Your encouragement and support in our lives bless us more than you know. We have seen God, this Christmas season, in each prayer, in each […] Read more…

A Hard Thing

I know it’s been slim pickings around here.
The girls are good. Evangeline has a full leg cast and is healing from surgery to rotate her tibia and to add bone grafts in her right foot. Andrew is healing from surgery for Pilonital disease which has proved to be rather painful, and is awaiting surgery for […] Read more…

Out of surgery

The Dr. Just came out and said the surgery was successful. She’s doing well. No complications. He did everything he hoped to do, and she’s in a cast above her knee.

She can go back to school as soon as the pain is under control. She’ll be so excited to hear that. […] Read more…

Here We Go Again

Evangeline is having more surgery today. It all came upon us very quickly, too quickly, in fact for sweet Evangeline, who just had her major spinal fusion in June, and for all of us too.

She is having her tibia and fibia cut and rotated to bring her right foot in alignment with her knee. […] Read more…

A Questions For My Blogger Friends

The past two years have been a whirlwind for me. Unfortunately the blogging world has changed by leaps and bounds, and since I have a WordPress self hosted blog, I cannot have the neat little Google hosted plugin that connected me to all of you whose blogs I loved to read. And I am so […] Read more…

An Open Letter to my Niece

My dear niece will be getting married on Saturday to the young man who stole her heart.

It seems like only yesterday when she walked into our lives, a tiny two year old with bright eyes and a precocious little mind. She was so tiny then.

She made me an aunt, my parents […] Read more…

Not the End of the Story

A NOTE TO THE READER: This is one post in a series of posts that will share the story of how I came to know and grew to love my daughters who were adopted at fourteen years old, mere days before they aged out of the adoption system. It does not reflect my feelings now. […] Read more…

First Day of School

Yes. I was an avid homeschooler for years. And in my heart, I still love homeschooling. Yet there came a day in January when I knew that the needs were too big for me alone, and that I needed help educating my children. I could no longer do it justice.
So, last January, in the […] Read more…


Evangeline doesn’t have to wear her brace anymore, and she looks just lovely!

And I’ll let you in on a secret. Her mommy has a thing for her lovely long hair. It tickles me. She’s so tiny. I call her my little sylph. I am completely enamored with her tiny size and lovely demeanor.
Anyway, […] Read more…

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