Sometimes the needs of a large family just seem so diverse and vast that I’d like to hit a pause button somewhere just to slow things down a bit.
We had to make a few quick decisions for our oldest son, Andrew, this week. He is seventeen and in eleventh grade. As many of […] Read more…
A Farewell
Right after Christmas, our Korean exchange students arrived.
I’m sure they felt strange at first,
but it didn’t take long till they were one of the boys.
The kids made some new friends,
and we shared our lives…and the puppies…
and, in return, were so blessed by these boys, our sons from a foreign land.
Saying Goodbye was really hard.
There were […] Read more…
Late at night, when the kids are asleep or settling in, and when Mark and I are really feeling the effects of our long days, here’s where you’ll find us…
knee deep in paperwork.
We are driven by a fierce love for a young girl on the other side of the world whom we have never met,
a […] Read more…
Thanksgiving Pictures
Well, I am still working on getting my giveaway button working but I wanted to share a few pictures from Thanksgiving Day at my parent’s house with my family.
There were over forty of us together this Thanksgiving! It was an absolutely wonderful day!
Asking For Wisdom Today
This post is directed to all of you veteran fundraisers out there.
As I have blogged before, I have postponed really moving forward into adoption for two years because of the minor little detail of money. I really tried to earn the money to begin the adoption before I began, but then I saw Bi Lu’s […] Read more…
By God’s Grace We Welcome Another…
We are so blessed and delighted to announce that we have received pre-approval from China to adopt a sweet girl who has waited far too long for a family. By the time we arrive to take her home sometime this summer, Bi Lu will have waited almost fourteen long years for a Mommy and Daddy […] Read more…
This Man
I love Thursdays around here, even though they are really long. We have a home-school co-op that lasts most of the day and then ballet, and we finally arrive home around eight, which happens to be about the same time my sweet husband gets home. Sometimes, on Thursdays, he brings pizza,
and Krispy Kreme.
My kids are […] Read more…
Family Photo
We took a family photo today. It’s not easy to get one where we all look our best. We set the timer, and ran into place. And little Olivia? Well I think she needed a nap and wasn’t too thrilled with the flash.
But give her a penguin made specially by big sis and cousin,
and life […] Read more…
Family Game Nights
One thing I love about homeschooling is the freedom to play late night games, any night of the week, that is any night of the week Mommy and Daddy aren’t too exhausted.
Playing Rummy Cube at Mom mom and Pop pop’s.
Learning to carefully plan our moves,
and work together.
Playing Cash Flow with Dad,
learning to live within a […] Read more…
My Father’s Business
I haven’t written much lately. My days are filled with children and their school work. One day a week we have a home-school co-op that we attend together. We also run to ballet every day for various classes. In between all that, I work on the house and meals for the family. Most evenings I […] Read more…