I have been absent from this blog far too long. Our internet was down for two weeks in September, and the very day it started working again, our laptop crashed. Suffice it to say, I have grown accustomed to our laptop.
In addition to feeling like I lost my right arm, we were barely into our […] Read more…
Children On My Sidebar
I have wanted to put pictures of our children on my sidebar since I began my blog. The only problem has been that I have not had a great camera or much technical ability. The mere thought of the entire process of editing and actually getting all the photos on my blog has been very […] Read more…
September In Pictures
Days at the beach…
Lunch at Aunt Carol’s beach house…
Hershey Park…
Homeschooling fun…
And a croupy little boy…
God is good, and we revel in His grace!
Blessings All!
Making Progress!
I know you all must be growing weary of my scheduling posts. I sure am!
The good news is, this is my last day of working on my schedule. On Monday, I try it out.
If any of you are home schooling and are struggling to accomplish all that you need to in your days, Managers of […] Read more…
Coming Up For Air
Yesterday, for the entire day, I was convinced it was Thursday. I finally discovered my error at 11:30 last night when I was checking my email. You can imagine my feeling of dismay when I discovered I had to live Thursday all over again today, and that I was still two full days away from […] Read more…
This time my post is not about water. My mind is inundated instead with choosing curriculum for all of our children, and creating a schedule that will actually allow us to accomplish all those curriculum plans for all my various and sundry children. 🙂 My brain is mush tonight.
On top of that, I have embarked […] Read more…
Sunday Snapshot a Little Late
We had a busy day of suiting up and schlepping some of our kids back and forth to summer camp.
By dinner time, there was a little girl who had had enough of indoor play and being buckled in her car seat.
So we braved the dreadful humidity,
and the vampire like mosquitoes,
and drug her brothers away from […] Read more…
An Addendum
I am a writer. When I am upset, I write. When my mind needs clarity, I write. When my mind refuses to rest and longs for expression, I write. So bare with me, and feel free to share your thoughts as well.
For those of you who read my post, Angry, this is a semblance of a […] Read more…