
This Present Monster

“This morning the sun rises over the monster on the loose too, a giant hellion that’s waging war on the world, taking cities by storm, aiming for the most populated but stamping on every one in its path, wreaking its havoc on mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, on grandparents and children and stealing the most fragile, the ones who most deserve protection and care.” Read more…

When we’re broken and need to find hope in its midst

I wake to the sound of the roosters crowing, just as the sun’s rays begin to shed their distant glow in the sky beyond the horizon. Morning lurks just beyond the earth’s edge, brimming with light and life and the gift of a new day. 

But that’s not what I see. I see black. Night still […] Read more…


“Who is Jesus?” She types in the translator only two weeks home from China. 
Her brand new daddy looks at me with eyes open wide, big and filled with the endless blue of the sea. For this moment we’ve prayed. He types into the computer screen, “He is the Son of God.”

My heart pauses, gallops in […] Read more…

Little Girl Lost – Monday Musings

As I’ve reflected this week on what miracle I would share with you today, I decided to travel back to my childhood and share another moment when God miraculously changed the course of my life.
My mind drifts back to the child that I was.

Sometimes, in that tiny space between consciousness and sleep, I can even […] Read more…

Monday Musings, Part II

“When we’d been home from China for about two and half years, a deep weariness began to fill our family. The needs of our children consumed us, and new needs seemed to develop at every turn. We began to wonder how to meet all the needs and to doubt that we had even done the right thing in abandoning the wisdom of this world and stepping out in faith, actually stepping off the cliff, to adopt the girls. We were overwhelmed with our inadequacies.” Read more…

He Knows Our Needs

There are moments in my life when I have pressed on in faith and walked through the deepest valleys one can know.

Then there are moments when the very hand of God has reached down to me and intervened in this natural world, when He has miraculously changed the course of my life at times in […] Read more…

The Messy and the Miraculous

Giggles tumble in from the kitchen where our children are gathered. Deep belly laughter interupts the momentary quiet of the evening. Sophia has just gotten home from ballet, her long hair hangs in a curtain down her back, Evangeline is sitting on a stool in pajamas preparing a late night snack, and Steven is still […] Read more…

The Face of Redemption

My Facebook page is flooding me with memories of four years ago when we were in China getting our girls. Each picture brings back a sea of feelings that unnerve me. 

I feel the trauma our daughters felt more vividly than I did before because now they are my own, and I know the depth of […] Read more…

Sometimes I Forget

I have a special guest blogger today – my husband Mark!  He shares some of the feelings and emotions he’s experienced since bringing our girls home from China.  You can find him at  I hope you enjoy it!
It’s been 8 months since we returned from China with our two new teenage daughters.  Overnight, our […] Read more…

So Great A Cost

I wish I could say I have been praising Jesus throughout the difficult days of the last few weeks.
I wish I could tell you I have been at peace.
I’d like to say that every day I have been aware that God is doing the miraculous in Evangeline’s life whether or not I can […] Read more…

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