I haven’t written much lately. My days are filled with children and their school work. One day a week we have a home-school co-op that we attend together. We also run to ballet every day for various classes. In between all that, I work on the house and meals for the family. Most evenings I […] Read more…
A Sick Kitty and a Midnight Run
We took a break from our scheduling on Friday,
and ran off on a whim (which I am wont to do…) to adopt a certain homeless kitty that my daughter absolutely had to have.
But the kitty was sick, and spent the entire day we had her hiding under the bed refusing to eat or drink. 🙁
We […] Read more…
The Aftermath – In Black and White
I thought I’d do one more post with pictures of the water in black and white before I let it all go and move on. Black and white photos have a timelessness about them, an aura that transcends the generations.
My family tells me that the dam washed out in 1944 too. These black and whites […] Read more…
The Aftermath
We are all fine!! Thank you all for your prayers. We are so blessed to have all of you praying for our family and appreciate your prayers immensely.
Just as the hurricane approached, we realized we’d better turn over the trampoline.
So in the midst of the drenching rain, Mark and Evan ran out and turned it […] Read more…
Sunday Snapshot a Little Late
We had a busy day of suiting up and schlepping some of our kids back and forth to summer camp.
By dinner time, there was a little girl who had had enough of indoor play and being buckled in her car seat.
So we braved the dreadful humidity,
and the vampire like mosquitoes,
and drug her brothers away from […] Read more…
Our Band Of Brothers…
And sisters…
These are just a few pictures of our children and their cousins at the pool.
Italian water ice at Mom Mom and Pop Pop’s pool…
And baby Olivia smiling for the camera…
Splashing in the pool with Victoria…
And everyone else…
Jonathan decided to swim around the pool on his own in the tube for the first time in […] Read more…

A Letter to my Son
Dear Son,
Today I held your little hands in mine. It wasn’t a rare or extraordinary moment for a mother, just the routine activity of washing your precious little hands – your hands so young and so full of potential, so new and as yet so untouched. I thought about all that your hands will touch […] Read more…