
Summer Birthdays

Victoria was born on June 25th. Jonathan was born on the the 29th, and Sophia was born on the 4th of July.

So our 4th of July picnic always ends up doubling as a birthday celebration.

Jonathan and Steven enjoyed checking out the gifts.

Sophia finally got a pair of hoop earrings. She’s waited […] Read more…

Gearing Up For Surgery

Yesterday I took Evangeline up to Children’s for her pre-op appointment.
At this point she is first on the schedule for Monday. Dr. Sutton will remove the bone in her spine, and then she’ll go directly to the intensive care unit.
The doctor really isn’t sure how long it will take him to get […] Read more…

Celebrating In Heaven Today

Last night our sweet Jonathan prayed the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to forgive his sins and be his Savior.
I always pray with the little boys and lay down with them as they go to sleep. We have so many wonderful conversations during those quiet moments at the end of the day.
Last […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

Today our youngest son turned five.

Three of our older kids were still at camp, and Mark was on his way to pick them up, so we had a quick dinner and cake at Mom mom and Pop pop’s house.

Make a wish, Jonathan!

Dream big, sweet boy!

We all love you…

…very much!!!

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!!!!

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