I always dreamed that I would have a houseful of girls.
When I was a teenager, I read Little Women over and over again. I loved the stories of the March sisters growing up together.
I used to long for that kind of life.
My childhood was very difficult. My parents loved me, but life […] Read more…
I’m a Mary
I’m a Mary, not a Martha.
Although I benefit from some structure in my life, I struggle mightily with creating it.
I will sit patiently with you if you are sad, or just want to talk.
I have no problem rocking babies, or children while the laundry piles up.
I don’t mind at all if we get lost in […] Read more…
Darkness…and Grace
I wrote this last night after everyone fell asleep. We still don’t have electric, but we’re getting closer! 🙂
I sit here in the darkness.
A faint shimmering glow from the candle in the kitchen illuminates my husband and our children, draped like fallen soldiers all over our back to back living rooms. The scorching sun, along […] Read more…
Our Day at The Park
We had a relaxing weekend this Easter. Somehow, that’s what we needed. It was so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather and to just enjoy each other without the structure of a schedule.
We went to the park. Some of us read a little.
We played ball.
We swung high,
and leapt off.
We climbed rocks,
and slid down slides,
and were […] Read more…
What I’ve Been Doing Lately
As many of you already know, our home study went really well. Our social worker was so nice and really seemed to enjoy his visit with us. Just before he arrived, we got the play dough out for all the little ones. That was a great idea because the children were all little angels and […] Read more…
Family Photo
We took a family photo today. It’s not easy to get one where we all look our best. We set the timer, and ran into place. And little Olivia? Well I think she needed a nap and wasn’t too thrilled with the flash.
But give her a penguin made specially by big sis and cousin,
and life […] Read more…
Sometimes Life Is Hard
I have been absent from this blog far too long. Our internet was down for two weeks in September, and the very day it started working again, our laptop crashed. Suffice it to say, I have grown accustomed to our laptop.
In addition to feeling like I lost my right arm, we were barely into our […] Read more…
Children On My Sidebar
I have wanted to put pictures of our children on my sidebar since I began my blog. The only problem has been that I have not had a great camera or much technical ability. The mere thought of the entire process of editing and actually getting all the photos on my blog has been very […] Read more…
September In Pictures
Days at the beach…
Lunch at Aunt Carol’s beach house…
Hershey Park…
Homeschooling fun…
And a croupy little boy…
God is good, and we revel in His grace!
Blessings All!
A Sick Kitty and a Midnight Run
We took a break from our scheduling on Friday,
and ran off on a whim (which I am wont to do…) to adopt a certain homeless kitty that my daughter absolutely had to have.
But the kitty was sick, and spent the entire day we had her hiding under the bed refusing to eat or drink. 🙁
We […] Read more…