Older Child Adoption


I’m just amazed at how much progress Eliza has made since we brought her home in September.

She has solidly claimed her spot amongst the children,

And grandchildren.

She has become my house helper. She loves to organize and keep the house neat. Here she is organizing my container cupboard.

She is by my side all day long ready […] Read more…

A Pearl Of Great Price

Eliza and Evangeline have been home with us for just over seven months.
They are both fourteen and a half years old. For their first fourteen years they lived as orphans devoid of the love and security a family provides.
They battled chronic illness and cognitive disability alone until the day we arrived to take them home […] Read more…

So Great A Cost

I wish I could say I have been praising Jesus throughout the difficult days of the last few weeks.
I wish I could tell you I have been at peace.
I’d like to say that every day I have been aware that God is doing the miraculous in Evangeline’s life whether or not I can […] Read more…

At Rehab

It’s been sixteen days since Evangeline’s surgery.

She is feeling so much more like herself, and her incision site has really healed nicely.
Yet, the damage to her leg has been severe. Everyone is hoping her leg will gain a full recovery, but no one knows how long it will take or how much […] Read more…

How They Love Us

They bless us so with their love.

They are so raw, so vulnerable, and yet so absolutely thrilled to be in our family.

And that just makes my heart soar.
Tonight Evangeline told us she never wanted to grow up so she could stay here with Mommy and Daddy forever.
You can stay as […] Read more…

A Good Day

Tonight I am overwhelmed with the enormity of how God has blessed us through adoption.
I don’t even know where to begin. We’re on the brink of Evangeline’s surgery and just coming through a more difficult stage with Eliza, and yet I am intensely aware of the incredible blessing this journey is to our […] Read more…

His Light In The Darkness

We have been home from China with our girls for six months.
Every single day I have chosen to love, to be patient, to welcome endless pleas for attention with outstretched arms, to soften words that would lash out in frustration and exhaustion with gentle loving tones, to hold back the disappointment and the anger […] Read more…

Putting The Pieces Together

As I have shared before, we know very little about Evangeline’s past.
I have a few pictures of her life as it was right before she came to us, and a couple very poor pictures from around the time of her finding add in 2010.
It appears that a file was prepared for Evangeline […] Read more…

An Open Window

It’s late.
I should be sleeping, but I have to write. I have to preserve forever this night when for a brief moment the window of Evangeline’s past opened up, and allowed me a glimpse of her life before me.
I love her so much it hurts.
As I write this, tears are streaming down […] Read more…

Blessings And Behaviors

One of the benefits of keeping the girls with me all the time, is that I have been able to really get to know them. I’ve been able to identify clearly what behaviors we have had to work on, and I can be very consistent because I am always with them.
I have noticed an […] Read more…

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