Yesterday, for the entire day, I was convinced it was Thursday. I finally discovered my error at 11:30 last night when I was checking my email. You can imagine my feeling of dismay when I discovered I had to live Thursday all over again today, and that I was still two full days away from […] Read more…
An Addendum
I am a writer. When I am upset, I write. When my mind needs clarity, I write. When my mind refuses to rest and longs for expression, I write. So bare with me, and feel free to share your thoughts as well.
For those of you who read my post, Angry, this is a semblance of a […] Read more…
Raising Fathers
I am a mother to six sons. Six times I have been blessed to be the recipient of that precious guileless adoring love a son has for his mother. Six times I have gazed into those dark newborn eyes and been filled with wonder at this male child that came from me, this child of […] Read more…

A Letter to my Son
Dear Son,
Today I held your little hands in mine. It wasn’t a rare or extraordinary moment for a mother, just the routine activity of washing your precious little hands – your hands so young and so full of potential, so new and as yet so untouched. I thought about all that your hands will touch […] Read more…