Eliza’s hair is growing so long she can wear it in a pony tail. If you know Eliza this is HUGE. She never had her hair long, never had anyone help her take care of it and was terribly embarrassed to wear anything in her hair even to hold her bangs back. At first I […] Read more…
Summer Birthdays
Victoria was born on June 25th. Jonathan was born on the the 29th, and Sophia was born on the 4th of July.
So our 4th of July picnic always ends up doubling as a birthday celebration.
Jonathan and Steven enjoyed checking out the gifts.
Sophia finally got a pair of hoop earrings. She’s waited […] Read more…
Gearing Up For Surgery
Yesterday I took Evangeline up to Children’s for her pre-op appointment.
At this point she is first on the schedule for Monday. Dr. Sutton will remove the bone in her spine, and then she’ll go directly to the intensive care unit.
The doctor really isn’t sure how long it will take him to get […] Read more…
Wordless Wednesday
Another Busy Day
Dr. Davidson is trying to fit Evangeline in for surgery soon. With the Holidays quickly approaching, and a medical conference on his schedule as well, he doesn’t have as many slots for surgery, and he is really booked up.
She may even have to wait until January 3. This is a problem because her right […] Read more…
A Very Special Miracle
We have been home from China with our girls for seven and a half weeks, and they were ours two weeks before that. In some ways, it’s hard to believe that much time has passed, and yet in others it feels like an awful lot has happened since we met our precious blessings.
Tonight […] Read more…
Happy Birthday Sophia
Today our sweet Sophia Grace turned eight.
It seems like only yesterday that she was born.
Sophia is our sixth child and our second daughter. Our daughter Victoria was seven years old when Sophia was born, and we had prayed for a sister for VIctoria since she was a very little girl. We tease […] Read more…
A Visit
We’ve had a couple busy days around here.
Mark’s parents arrived from Ohio on Friday with cousin Brynn.
Our kids are so happy to have them here.
We are too.
I’ll post more pictures soon.
In the mean time, we’re off to church.
Blessings All,