I shared in an earlier post some of the things we came to appreciate about living without electricity. One thing I failed to mention was the moon light.
As I have written before, during our stint with the absence of power we became more aware of the daily rhythms of the days. The sun ducked behind the trees each night, and within minutes darkness enveloped our world. At first, the darkness was difficult for me. I missed the light. I missed its warm glow illuminating our night life.
In some way, I had come to regard the artificial lights that brightened our darkness as security. Perhaps I had grown to trust in the light that we could provide.
As the evenings wore on, and our eyes adjusted to the darkness, we began to notice the moonlight shining in our windows. Indeed, the outside was brighter than the indoors. The moon provided a peaceful glow across our property, as it reflected the sun.
I began to thank God for the moon. He had, in His perfect grace, provided a light to illuminate the darkest hours of our days. When God made the earth, He had also made the moon, a satellite of the earth, to reflect the sun and brighten our nights.
How fitting it is for The One who sent His Son to be the light of our lives and save us from spiritual darkness, to also send the moon to reflect the light amidst the physical darkness of our world.
Light of the world
You stepped down in to darkness,
Opened my eyes, let me see.
~Chris Tomlin
The One who lights our days with the sun and brightens our nights with the moon, also lights our lives with His Son. He is the Light that shines bright amidst the darkness of this world, and offers hope to His people.
I pray today, that I might be a moon to this dying world, that my life might reflect the brightness of The Son, and that His light might shine brighter through me than it ever has before.
Will you join me?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. ~ Matthew 5;16