One day blurs into the next with the seeming endlessness of an ocean, void of boundaries, direction, clarity. The children’s schedules fill my days, and life hurries on. My moments are filled with the minutia of life, and I lose myself there, amidst the lunches and clothes and driving and homework and signing of agendas.
I long to write.
My facebook page is filled with disparaging posts from both sides of the political platform, and I wonder at an America that has fallen so far from its roots that it cannot even produce two qualified candidates to lead our country.
I am brought to my knees.
And I find Him there, at the pause in my life, at the space between the busyness and the longing, where He waits for me. He meets me there, on my knees, and His gentle presence breathes life and peace into me and reminds me that everything is in His hands, even an America that has lost its way, even a world that has turned its back on its Creator.
Across the globe, the children wait alone, scared, lost, in a world that has forgotten them, a world that has grown cold and indifferent to their cries.
I pray, Lord, place each one in a family.
One child, Jeramiah, has been chosen.
I’ve written before about John and Janette and their two young children here who have chosen him.
Jeremiah ages out in January. He will soon be coming home to his family. I wonder if he knows how much he is already loved and prayed for, even as he waits for a mama and baba of his very own.
John and Janette have stepped out in faith to adopt Jeremiah. They have come to the end of themselves and their resources.
And they know the One Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
They know the One Who places the lonely in families.
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:36
We can’t wait to welcome Jeremiah home!
You can follow John and Janette’s story at Journey Full of Blessings.
We praise God for all that He has done to bring the children home and all that He is yet to do!

G-d bless you for being an essential link in this chain!
God bless you, Penny!