Precious Jeremiah will turn fourteen on January 3rd. Once a child turns fourteen in China, they can no longer be adopted. The life that awaits children that are not adopted is often wrought with a lifetime of horrific abuse, loneliness and neglect.
Travel dates have been set for the Feltes family to fly to China on December 23rd, a mere three weeks away.
By God’s immeasurable grace, Jeremiah will be with his Baba and Mama this Christmas.
He waits in China with open arms and an eager heart. He longs for the unknown, for that which he’s never had, for all that we take for granted but that he has only dreamed of; he longs for a family, for love. Jeremiah longs to belong. He longs for someone to tell his story.
His family is fervently working to raise the money to bring dear Jeremiah home. Yet they are still $24,000 short with only three short weeks until they travel.
God knows. He will not fail Jeremiah.
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
Psalms 68:5, 6a
Let the Children Come, our little group of women who meet monthly to pray for the orphans and who have come alongside the Feltes as they have stepped out in faith, know that in the end, after we have worked and prayed and given, that it is God who will bring Jeremiah home. Not us, not the Feltes, but God.
We stand in faith, just as Mark and I did just over four years ago knowing that God will meet every need to bring Jeremiah home. We know that Jeremiah will come home by faith, and not by anything we can do apart from God. Yet we also know that God invites us to take part in His work. By His grace He offers us the incredible opportunity to join in His work of placing the l0nely in families.
Let the Children Come has just been notified this week that a precious group of people have joined together to offer a matching grant of up to $5,000 for all donations and tee shirt sales until December 16th. (The tee shirt sale fundraiser ends on December 6th so that the tee shirts will be delivered in time for Christmas) That means that any gift given between now and the 16th will be doubled! Give $20 and your gift is increased to $40! Purchase a tee shirt for $20, and the profit will be doubled so your purchase of $20 actually donates $27 to help bring Jeremiah home!
Will you please share this post and help us spread the word that Jeremiah is coming home in three short weeks?
We wait in eager expection to see how God answers our prayers for dear Jeremiah!
Blessings All!

I count it such a privilege to labor beside you in prayer and planning.
The blessing is mine. I love you, friend.