Evangeline is doing so very well. She seems so much more relaxed today.
We have chosen to go slow with affection and to let Evangeline lead as she feels comfortable, and already she has reached out to us.
She is incredibly capable and independent. Here she is talking to the gentleman who came with her yesterday from the orphanage.
And here are a few more pictures from the Civil Affairs Office today where we signed the papers.
She is eager to be a part of everything we do, and is so inquisative. I would not say she is shy, although she does hold back when she does not understand what we are saying.
We are struck by her beauty and her strikingly petite size and features.
Now that we have seen how frail she is, we are even more convinced than we were before that had we not arrived in time to adopt her, her future in China would have been very dismal at best.
China is a very beautiful country. We have enjoyed being driven around the city of Xi’an.
This is a picture of the City Wall in Xi’an
Today was a more difficult day than yesterday for us. The streets of China are very crowded and busy. The drivers seem to have no rules, and today the swerving and constant breaking got to me, and I got really car sick. We had to come back to the hotel so I could lay down.
Our guide went home so we were left alone the rest of the day. We did not really have anything for Evangeline to do in the room, and since it poured all day, we could not even take a walk. With the language barrier, it was a little difficult.
We are really struggling with being away from the children. We are trying to be strong, but the thought of being away from them all for two more weeks is so hard. We have been sort of attachment parenting gurus, and leaving them was just so hard.
The Director at the Civil Affairs told us we could not visit the orphanage in Baoji where Evangeline lived. We are disappointed because we just know nothing about her. We desperately wanted to meet her nanny and take pictures of her friends. It appears that the orphanage intended not to communicate with us because we never received an update or anything on her.
A friend wrote today and said we could have demanded to go to the orphanage, but we just weren’t in the position to do that today because I was feeling sick and we are leaving tomorrow for Guangzhou.
Evangeline’s foot is bleeding from walking on it, and we have asked several times about it, but we are told that it is fine and does not require any treatment.
We knew that she had some effects from the Spina Bifida, but she came to us without the orphanage ever telling us a word about her needs. In fact, she came with nothing at all except the photo album we sent her and a few current photos of herself, and one group photo of her class. Evangeline is very private and handles it all completely herself, but we are so eager to get her home and enable her to see a doctor.
Tomorrow afternoon we fly to Guangzhou, and we are so thankful! Evangeline is looking forward to the flight, and we are thinking that we won’t be so alone there. We know of a couple families who are there now adopting, and are hoping to see the Dexter’s from The Pearl River Diaries.
We want you to know that we are reading every comment you are making on facebook and here on the blog. every single one blesses us more than you know. We would love to respond to every one of you, but the internet connection is very slow, and we just don’t have the time.
Gotcha day for Eliza is the 13th! We cannot wait to have our dear Eliza with us as well!

I am so glad she is starting to feel comfortable. Based on what Emily has told me they were all pretty underfed. Emily was also very frail when we got her. It has taken a year to get some meat and muscle on her bones. Emily has told me several times that she loves me because I feed her when she is hungry. ( hopefully there are other reasons too )
I’m so glad that you finally have Evangeline. I’ve followed your story thru Karen and Emily. Adoption is very near and dear to my heart, my granddaughter is Anya from Russia. What precious children, can’t wait for Emily and Evangeline to be re-united.
Keep up the good work. It looks like it is all on the right path. And gotta love suckers to help build trust! We wnet through a whole bag!
Oh my God, she is so beautiful… and tiny.
I wish we can see a big smile soon, I can see in her face that she has been through too much in her short life.
Oh how much I would like to give a hug and tell her that everything it’s gonna be all right. I hope that she feel’s more confortable when after you pick up Eliza.
Praying for you and your new daughter
Oh Diane! My prayers are with you all! We adopted our fourth from China in June and so much of what you are saying resonates deep within me. The leaving your other kids, the orphanage providing no information and the desire to just get home. Praying God provides strength, joy and wisdom for each moment. Guangzhou was such a relief so praying you feel this too. Blessings~
Melissa recently posted..Cousins
I’m so glad its ging well right now. Caroline asked me to tell you and the girls hi and she cant wait to see more pictures. The one thing she told me was she hopes the girls get to nap. I asked her what she meant? Every day around the noon hour children in China would rest. They would come home from school ad rest for 2 hours then go back at 2. She made mention how tired she was every day because she did not get to rest during the day. Just a thougt. I learn something new every day frm this darling of mine.
Hugs – The Trawick Gals
Rejoicing with you Diane! Such a joy to read these updates! Looking forward to your second Gotcha Day! Angie
Angie recently posted..The Piggy Banks