We have pretty much been home bound around here since December tenth. We’ve had a couple different viruses blow through all of us, and now that Evangeline had her surgery, we are deep in the throws of cabin fever.

Mom mom and Pop pop decided to give us a break and took all who were able for a walk along the riverbank.








Everyone enjoyed it.

Sweet Evangeline couldn’t go. She stayed home with us and little Olivia. She may have two bum feet, but she isn’t an orphan anymore, and she has a daddy who adores her and would carry her to the moon and back.


And that makes even the most disappointing things so much better.

Mark and I went out for a little while tonight just the two of us. The past weeks and months have been rather demanding, and we just needed a couple of hours to ourselves.

Before we left, I hugged all the children, taking time to squeeze each one really tightly. When I got to Eliza, she held on so firmly and leaned her head against my chest.

I gave her a big bear hug and said, “Oh my sweet Eliza, I love you so very very much!”

She hugged me longer, and then let go. Her eyes were filled with tears.

Mine were too.

When we got home, I tucked the girls all into their beds, and Evangeline said, “Mommy, Eliza said this is our home, and we can stay here forever.”

Ah yes, my sweet girls. This is your home, and you can stay here forever.


And we are so blessed.


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11 Comments on So Blessed

  1. The girls finally understanding that they now have a forever home must have just made you estatic inside. That is such great news. I loved the walk pictures…I think of your family often and pray for you!

  2. Nothing like a little fresh air for kids, a night out for you two…to give you a boost. So happy to hear Eliza’s comments and catch up. Was having fb troubles for a bit.

    • I think so, Stacey! Perhaps somehow it was safer to say that Eliza said it. Or perhaps, those words coming from Eliza affirmed her deepest yearnings. Either way, they are a sweet, sweet blessing in our lives.

  3. WOW…Eliza’s comment was so tender and heartwarming! She really has learned what family is VERY quickly! It took our 5 year old daughter from China almost a year and a half to start understanding about family and home.

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