This is the second part of a story I began to tell last Monday. If you are new to my blog, you’ll likely benefit from reading this story from the beginning. You can do that here.
I’ve begun a series on the many miracles God has performed in our lives.
When we’d been home from China for about two and half years, a deep weariness began to fill our family. The needs of our children consumed us, and new needs seemed to develop at every turn. We began to wonder how to meet all the needs and to doubt that we had even done the right thing in abandoning the wisdom of this world and stepping out in faith, actually stepping off the cliff, to adopt the girls. We were overwhelmed with our inadequacies.
I just kept praying.
Our oldest son, Andrew, had developed a chronic wound as a result of surgery and a drain that had to be left in about three and a half years ago, and we were seeing no progress in the healing of his wound.
We were also seeing evidence of Asperger like symptoms in our younger son, and had learned that Eliza had large infarctions in her brain that prevented her from learning and comprehending and using language. It had been suggested to us that she might benefit from hyperbaric oxygen treatments.
I just had no idea how God would provide one as they are very expensive. I was feeling rather desparate, and I knew that God promises to meet ALL of our needs.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. – Psalm 84:11
I started shopping for a hyperbaric chamber even though I knew we really didn’t know how we’d pay for it. I reminded myself that we walk by faith and not by sight. One thing I learned as we trusted God for the adoption of our girls was that God is always ready and waiting to make a way in our lives, but we have to take that first tiny quivering step of faith.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. – Corinthians 5:7
I saw that someone was selling one in a facebook group that I belong to.
It was way too much money.
I decided to write to the seller anyway and ask him if he would consider accepting payments that I really couldn’t envision us making. But God, I kept repeating to myself.
Over the next couple of days I just kept praying for wisdom and for a way to restructure our finances. No matter how we looked at it, we always came up with the same answer; we really couldn’t afford a hyperbaric chamber. The needs were just too big.
Finally, remembering we walk by faith and not by sight, I did the most irresponsible thing ever. I told the man I could pay a certain amount each month.
My heart was racing. What was I doing? I didn’t have the money. I knew that we don’t purchase things we can’t afford. Fear filled me.
The next morning, I received an email from the man. He explained how his wife and he were led to google my name. My blog came up and they read about our family and how we had adopted our daughters. He said they were so taken with all that we had done for the girls and the faith that consumed us, that they had decided that they wanted to give us the HBOT for FREE if we were able to come and pick it up!
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I read and reread the email over and over again and was struck with the gravity of the gift this man was offering us.
God had answered my prayers. He had done the miraculous in our lives again.
God has clearly intervened in my life numerous times before, yet every time He does, I am brought to my knees in awe of His amazing faithfulness.
Yes, we now had the hyperbaric chamber for our children, but in answering my prayer just as He did, He also reminded me that I could trust Him for our children, that He would finish the good work He had begun in our lives, and that whatever we felt called to do for Him, He was and is faithful to see us through ALL the details of our lives.
Oh friend, are you weary with the work God has called you to?
Do you need a miracle today?
Or do you just need the faith to begin the process of adotption?
Allow me to reassure you that we serve a faithful God. He will not abandon you or your precious children. You do not walk alone.
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:9
He is faithful even when we are faithless.

I had said last week that I would put up the Linky tool for you to link up your miracle stories too, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. Please add your links in the comments section, and I’ll keep working on that Linky tool!
Blessings All!
Would you please be so kind as to like my facebook page at the right hand of my blog?

I love this, Diane! And we all need to be reminded of how God meets our needs and then some…like the grace overflowing the cup. He is uncontainable. Beyond measure. So so happy you are writing!
Thank you. I love you, friend. You are grace to me. 💞
I am reading this in tears. Thank you. <3
Oh Penny! I love you and am praying with you! ❤️
Pray that the gifted HBOT comes with excellent instruction on operation and safety procedures and that you receive all the support and advice you need from your medical team.
I’m interested in the use of the chamber. We too adopted an older girl (13 at the time) from China. We knew she was developmentally delayed (as most are) but didn’t realize the extent of her severe cognitive disabilities. How long does use of the chamber take to start seeing possitive results?
Hi Karen, A hyperbaric chamber is merely pressurized room air. The increased pressure allows the body to become saturated with oxygen. Oxygen is healing for so many things, chronic wounds, injuries, cancer (most diseases cannot thrive when the body is saturated with oxygen), and it is very helpful in hastening the neuroplasticity of the brain. We are usuig it in conjunction with a program of many things. Healing takes time, so I really can’t say how long it takes. I believe it’s different for everyone.
Pressurized room air increases oxygen saturation. It also increases nitrogen saturation. It is similar to diving at depth while breathing air. What is the atmospheric pressure of the chamber?