Have you arrived home with your newly adopted child and found the road ahead too difficult to walk? Have you felt alone in your lack of ability to meet the needs of your child? Have you struggled to find the warm fuzzy feelings you so desperately wanted to feel for your child? Have you hidden in shame and kept your feelings to yourself because you couldn’t imagine anyone feeling the feelings you feel? Have you found the work of loving the world’s most broken too heavy a load to carry?
If so, you are not alone. We wrote this book for you. Twenty eight true stories of real families who have walked painful roads and found their way back to peace and joy. We pray that this book will be a healing balm to your parched and weary spirits.
Click the link below to order a copy today. All proceeds go to help families bring their children home.
Hope For The Adoption Journey, Twenty Eight True Post Adoption Stories to Comfort and Encourage
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