I Choose The Risks

The ocean breeze blows cool across the boards, blankets the rides with a moist dew and caresses my skin with its touch. It tickles my flesh and knocks at the fabric that covers my face. I long to suck it in, in deep satisfying breaths, to feel it fresh and alive within my lungs, to […] Read more…

This Present Monster

“This morning the sun rises over the monster on the loose too, a giant hellion that’s waging war on the world, taking cities by storm, aiming for the most populated but stamping on every one in its path, wreaking its havoc on mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, on grandparents and children and stealing the most fragile, the ones who most deserve protection and care.” Read more…

Grounded – COVID 19

Our world is brought to a standstill. Fear ripples through the hearts of men and women and children like the endless reverberations of a stone tossed in a great sea. Pain and sorrow and loss grip all of us in the common bond of COVID 19.

Lives will be lost. Jobs will be lost. People will hurt and grieve and brake. Senior college students are miss their entire spring semesters, their graduations. Long awaited vacations, weddings, funerals have been canceled. Children reel from the effects of this world spinning quickly out of anything that feels familiar. Parents are working at home or even worse, not working at all. The world’s economy dangles by a thread and seems as if it can’t possibly hold on.

We wait for the monster on the lose, surely to arrive in our lives in some way any day now. Read more…

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