Giggles tumble in from the kitchen where our children are gathered. Deep belly laughter interupts the momentary quiet of the evening. Sophia has just gotten home from ballet, her long hair hangs in a curtain down her back, Evangeline is sitting on a stool in pajamas preparing a late night snack, and Steven is still […] Read more…

The Face of Redemption
My Facebook page is flooding me with memories of four years ago when we were in China getting our girls. Each picture brings back a sea of feelings that unnerve me.
I feel the trauma our daughters felt more vividly than I did before because now they are my own, and I know the depth of […] Read more…
Arrows In Our Quiver
Our girls are thriving.
And no doubt, they are thriving because of God’s miraculous hand in their lives.
But there are nine precious children who have welcomed Eliza and Evangeline into their lives with a grace and a strength that is rather remarkable.
We have not had jealousy, or strife, or resentment, but instead the […] Read more…
All About Steven
Steven is one of our really good boys.
You know the kind. They are quiet, rarely do anything wrong, never seem to have any needs that are too urgent. In a word, they are content.
That is our Steven.
My sweet boy.
No matter how delightful, there is a danger in being so good, so […] Read more…
Cape May Zoo
These aren’t the best pictures, but I just had to show you these smiles!
This one is so blurry, but she is just giddy here!
Sweet, sweet smiles!
Oh my, how I have longed for that smile.
I’m too tired for words. I just wanted to share these pictures of our happy girls.
Wisdom…And Questions
I used to think I knew a lot. I was confident and educated. My husband had graduated from an Ivy league graduate school. We both spoke fluent french. We both had double majored with our second majors being French, just because we enjoyed the language. I had attended La Sorbonne in Paris, and Mark, the […] Read more…
Our Day at The Park
We had a relaxing weekend this Easter. Somehow, that’s what we needed. It was so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather and to just enjoy each other without the structure of a schedule.
We went to the park. Some of us read a little.
We played ball.
We swung high,
and leapt off.
We climbed rocks,
and slid down slides,
and were […] Read more…
Another Translation
Here’s another translation of Bilu’s letter. This one was done by a sweet Chinese woman named Ping that I met through a Facebook friend. Her translations are very good, and you can see how much variety there is when doing a translation. This one makes a bit more sense to me.
Dear Mom and Dad,
How […] Read more…
Another Letter
It had been a long day.
The children had not been feeling well. Our teens weren’t in very good moods.
Our boys seemed to need so much more to keep them busy than I had to offer even on a good day, and home school really could have been called anything but school; the word calamity comes to […] Read more…