On the weekend, we took the kids in the pool for the first time this year.

It was the first time Evangeline had ever gone in a pool.


Eliza insisted she could swim, and impulsively jumped into the deep end before we could stop her.

We realized pretty quickly that she really didn’t know how to swim at all.

A few of the kids were in the pool making their way over to her to help her, but there wasn’t time to wait so Mark jumped in the water in his clothes and saved her.

And I’m so glad it happened.

Eliza and Evangeline have told the story over and over again.

Every day we hear about how Daddy jumped in the water in his clothes to save Eliza.

And every time they have told that story, they have ended it with the words, “Daddy really loves us.”

Somehow seeing Mark jump in and rescue Eliza changed something for both of the girls. I think they saw a glimpse of his love for them in a way they hadn’t seen it before.

There’s a closeness and an appreciation they have for Mark now that I hadn’t noticed before.

I wrote a post back in November about the stories families share, and touched on the fact that such a large part of our identities are reflected in the stories families tell and re-tell. You can read that post here. Who Tells Their Stories?


Eliza and Evangeline have a family now to tell their stories.

And they’ve begun to tell our stories too.

Every day we share, our lives become more intricately woven together.

We’re a family, all in varying stages of attachment, moving forward together.

And we share each other’s stories, forever.


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7 Comments on A Deeper Bond

  1. oh my…such luck that Mark saved Eliza! Every experience makes you closer as a family. Happy weekend,
    warm regards,

  2. Love this!!! So sweet and what a blessing that they were shown what unconditional love really is!

  3. This brought a smile to start my day. “Daddy really loves us!” Yes, princesses, he does! And beyond that there is yet another Daddy who loves you even more. In fact, He gave this wonderful earthly daddy to you to be His arms with skin on. Praise God for daddies.
    Pat recently posted..Chime Long International CircusMy Profile

  4. How awesome is our God, who took a scary and dangerous situation and transformed it into a beautiful story of love, sacrifice, and rescue. He used it for a very specific purpose to speak to the hearts of your newest daughters. Simply amazing!

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