
Prayers Please

As I have shared before, Eliza has been very sad. Yesterday, her feelings came to a head and she told us she does not want to go to America with us.
She wouldn’t eat, would not stay anywhere near us, and just pushed us away whenever we got close to her.
We know this is […] Read more…

Happy Birthday Eliza!

Yesterday was Eliza’s very first birthday with her family. Her cake was completely covered in chocolate! Her Mama really loved that!

I’m sorry I didn’t get to post yesterday. It really was a busy day, and we were dealing with the huge barricades and security around the Garden Hotel, so it really made everything […] Read more…

Safari Day

Today we went to the Safari in the Panyu district with our group. It was a beautiful day, and both of the girls seemed to enjoy it.

Evangeline has made friends with a little four year old in our group and is such a little mother to her.

Our favorite was the panda exhibit. This […] Read more…

Mostly Pictures

Today we took the girls to have their medicals done. We made out fine. The girls did have to have 3 shots each and a TB test, but they seem to be doing well tonight.
While we were at the medicals for the girls a little boy came in who was being adopted […] Read more…

Showing Affection

Today I thought I would share a little about the girl’s ability to show and receive affection. So much is said in the adoption community about attachment and the fear that older children will not have the ability to bond with their new parents. We are only days into this journey with our girls, but […] Read more…

We’re Still Here!

I thought I’d post a few pictures of Eliza’s gotcha day since we have been so busy, and I am getting behind on posting our photos.

When we walked into the Civil Affairs Office, Eliza was already there waiting for us with Ms. Zhong. Meeting Eliza was a totally different experience than meeting Evangeline. […] Read more…

Almost time!

We are taking a brief rest before we go to meet Eliza. I just wanted to let you all know how much we appreciate all of your comments and prayers. We are so incredibly thankful for the encouragement you have given us.
We are doing absolutely fabulous with Evangeline. She is so full of love […] Read more…

Oh My Goodness!

I have so much to say about today. I don’t even know where to begin.
This morning we took Evangeline to Walmart to get some coloring books and colored pencils. She is just precious and picked out a pink back pack and several things to color with. Then before we left I suggested to […] Read more…

Breakfast Smiles

These were taken yesterday morning at breakfast with my iPhone. She is smiling and playful!
Yesterday she ate a lot! I think she has never seen so much food in her little life. Her frail stature tells the tale better than any words could have.
With Baba and Victoria!

Sisters, FOREVER. 🙂

Will post more […] Read more…

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