I have loved Jesus for as long as I can remember.  That’s not to my credit.  It’s just the way God made me, and the path down which He has lead me.  Perhaps, in His perfect grace, He has seen fit to allow me to remain childlike in that special place inside myself that allows me to believe unhindered.  Or perhaps He has just made Himself so real to me that I can not help but believe.

God has shown up in my life in some really big ways.  I can remember once when I was a little girl, I was taking a chemotherapy drug that was intended to reduce the lymphocytes in my blood stream that were wrongly attacking my muscles.  Week after week, I went for blood test after blood test in hopes of seeing some evidence that the drug was making a difference, but week after week, we saw no results.

Then, just as the doctors were about to abandon the drug, God moved.  My lymphocytes had dropped miraculously.   Even the learned, scientific doctors could offer no explanation for the sudden change.  They gave credit to a god they didn’t know.  But I knew Him.

I can remember so many times when God answered my prayers.  Once when Mark and I were newly married with a new house and a few babies,  Mark’s car broke down.  We had taken it to the mechanic, and just did not have the $700 we needed to repair it.  We told the mechanic that we were not going to have it fixed just then, and that we would remove it from his lot as soon as we could.

About two weeks later, the phone rang.  It was the mechanic.  He told my husband that the car was fixed and was ready to be picked up.  The bill had been paid in full.  The man who paid the bill told him to tell us that God paid it.

We never found out who actually walked into the shop that day, but I knew then, and I know today that it was our precious Heavenly Father who paid that bill.

There is nothing more real than the spiritual world, the world beyond the natural that is ever so significantly carrying on beside us,  and the world of which we must eternally be a part.

And yet, even though God has worked so many miracles in my life, I am always brought to my knees in reverence and awe when I see Him move again.

And He is moving.

I read a post yesterday about a sweet little girl who at five was transferred from a baby house in Eastern Europe to a mental asylum not fit for an animal.

Here is a picture of sweet Teri Lynn before she was moved.

And here is the heartbreaking picture of this sweet child merely a couple weeks later.



And yet, in just a few days, $15,088 has been donated toward her adoption.  Teri Lynn’s family will be able to rescue her from her living nightmare and not need to struggle to fund raise.

Wow.  I am so humbled, and in awe of this awesome God I serve. I thank Him for growing my faith, yet again, one miracle at a time.

And, I praise Him for breaking the hearts of His people with the things that break His heart.

We are His hands.  May we rescue these little ones.


As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. – John 9;4


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3 Comments on The Real World

  1. They way you express your feelings, your faith, your thoughts stop me in my tracks and almost take my breath away. You are a wonderful, talented, Godly woman, and I am so blessed that you agreed to share your life with me. I have to stop typing now, because the words are getting blurry . . .

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