I began this blog for God’s glory.

It was my intention for it to be a place where I could use the talents God has given me for His glory. I have chosen to be transparent on its pages for one purpose only, and that is to share how God can work miracles amidst the frailties and brokenness of our humanity, how He can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things for Him.

As our family has become more transparent and public, there are a few who have felt compelled to criticize our decisions or to question our intentions. For the most part, when a negative comment comes across my inbox, I just delete it. I have no desire to encourage the negativity or even to give it a spot on my blog.

But there is one question that so many have asked us, even those who are very close to us. I am sure the question is not meant to hurt or discourage us, but rather a question that many struggle with in their own hearts. After praying about it, I have decided to try to answer that question with love and humility here on my blog.

Why are you going to China to adopt when there are so many children here in the United States who need families?

In the deepest part of myself, I am a writer. I write because I must, because the words flow deep inside me and clamor for expression, just as our children clamor for my attention. It is a need that must be met in my life, an itch that must be scratched, a calling that I can’t ignore.

I don’t paint beautiful pictures. I don’t carve exquisite sculptures. I don’t sing. Well, I do sing, but I’m not really sure anyone would want to hear me, other than my sweet children who listen to me every night as they drift off to sleep.

I write because that is the way God made me. I write because God has placed an intense desire within me to write, and because He, in His infinite wisdom and grace, has given me the words.

Perhaps going to Nineva was a calling like that for Jonah.

Perhaps David felt a deep desire within him to slay Goliath.

Going to China is a calling like that for us. We are going to China because God has placed a compelling desire within us to adopt from China.

We are adopting Eliza and Evangeline because when we saw their precious faces, we were overwhelmed with a compelling desire to go and get them.

We are adopting from China because that is where God has called us to go…for now.

Down the road, He may lay another desire on our hearts, but for now, we are called to go to China.

We are finite creatures. Our scope of ability to help and to minister is very limited in time and space. We can adopt a few children. A missionary can minister to a community. A pastor can lead a church.

But the Body of Christ can reach the world.

The Body of Christ can adopt every child from every nation across the globe.

The Body of Christ is called to adopt every child from every nation across the globe.

Answering God’s call in our lives has been incredibly humbling. I’m not sure there is anything more humbling than stepping out in faith to meet a need that is beyond one’s own ability and strength. Saying yes to God when we have absolutely no idea how we will ever get to the other side of the task is staggering.

We have never been more vulnerable, more humbled, more in need of your prayers, and more filled with raw emotion than we are today in the midst of this miracle we are a part of.

It is in that spirit of humility and love that I ask you these questions.

Are you following God’s calling in your lives? Will you go? Will you choose, amidst this world that values ease and amusement and self sufficiency, to walk by faith to meet the needs of the least of these?

The children are waiting.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. ~Mark 16:15

May God bless you as you seek His will for your lives.

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3 Comments on Why China?

  1. Beautifully written and clearly from your heart. Blessings to you, dear friend, as you embark soon on this new, uncharted, difficult, challenging, rewarding, empowering, fulfilling, frustrating, incredible journey! I’ve been there a little before you, and I’m here if/when you need advice, support, or a listening ear. 🙂
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  2. Everytime we do something, there will be someone with a question or opinion? We just have to do what God wants us to do and answer to Him. We are praying for you and the girls … that it all comes to his glory.

  3. Hi, I’m so glad we have mutal facebook friends and we seen your blog!Funny how God works.We were looking at your daughter Evangeline also and had just requested her file when they told us a family had chosen her.We were very happy for her but a bit heart broken.But it was all meant to be because God lead us to our sweet daughter Aubrey!But we would love to follow your journey.She is such a doll,and will make a wonderful daughter.Many Blessings Lisa

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