We are taking a brief rest before we go to meet Eliza. I just wanted to let you all know how much we appreciate all of your comments and prayers. We are so incredibly thankful for the encouragement you have given us.

We are doing absolutely fabulous with Evangeline. She is so full of love and reaches out to hug us all the time. She jokes with her Baba, and helps keep track of our things. She tries to speak English whenever she can. She seems so relieved and thrilled to be here. She tells the guide she is very happy, but her body language really tells the story.

Tonight She is going to sleep in our bed with us. ๐Ÿ™‚ She seems completely comfortable.

The hotel is gorgeous, and we are in the executive suite which is just out of this world. I think they put us in it because of our family size. She must feel like she is living a dream after what she has been through.

Today, even more than yesterday, she just radiates pure joy. ๐Ÿ™‚ We could not have asked for an easier transition for her.

I believe reaching out to love these two precious ones ranks right up there as one of the most worthwhile things we have ever done.

We are so thankful for the privilege of parenting these two newest treasures.

There is no greater joy.

More pictures soon!

We meet Eliza in an hour and a half!


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12 Comments on Almost time!

  1. Tears of joy for you all! What an amazing God we serve, who loves all of you so much that He would give you one another!!
    Knowing that all will go well with your next meeting. Grace for this transition.

  2. Tears of happiness and joy!!! I still can’t believe that today is the day.
    If i didn’t live so many miles away from the US I would go to the airpor to give you a welcome hug to you , Eliza and Evangeline.

    Hope everything go smooth for Evangeline and Eliza, and Evangeline’s foot heals soon.

  3. So very proud of you, my dear niece, and Mark. You already have an incredible loving and happy family and you are bringing two precious children into your home. Your kids will adore them and make them feel at home. And, importantly, they will be welcomed by the two fierce and loving puppies and a beautiful kitty. You are the family of the year and my heart. Again, so very very proud. (Excuse the tears!!)

  4. I have been following this wonderful journey since I read about your family on Adeye’s blog. Your family is lovely in so many ways and adding Evangeline and Eliza will increase the love and joy that is seen (and felt) in your blog!

    I wanted to comment on Evangeline and how she is seeking you both out for love. I believe using the wheelchair is so wise. I am sensitive to that sore foot and how deep it is, because I had my left leg amputated due to a serious infection. Now, I want to acknowledge that our situations are alike in some ways, but also very different. And, I know that He has carried your precious daughter this far and will continue to do so!

    I have felt Him speaking to my heart about your new daughters and I need/want to share. Although the girls are “teens”, emotionally they are so much younger. They are so very vulnerable and I’d guess that they are frightened by this huge change in their lives.

    After reading your post about the bath and finally seeing Evangeline’s foot, I felt an urging to tell you to spend much of this early time together doing nurturing things. Touch is so important, even and especially when they they seem distant. Doing things like helping them bathe, washing & rinsing their hair. Rubbing lotion on their arms and legs and back can be soothing and really helps with bonding and the beginning of that oh.so.important Mother/Daughter relationship.

    I think it’s great that Evangeline is sleeping with you. These girls probably never experienced the nurturing care that a Mother gives her infant throughout their first years. And, while it’s not possible to give them all of that, what you do give will be so healing for their tender hearts and souls. I even think rocking them is therapeutic. Especially when they are sad and teary or when they are physically ill. Dad can get in on the rocking, as well. ; )

    I hope that what I’m sharing doesn’t sound “bossy”. It all comes from my heart. From a once “broken” young girl. I was so Blessed to be placed in the care of several foster mothers, who did these things for me. I know that had I not learned to let people love me, I would never have learned to love others! I would not have been able to understand and/or accept Jesus into my life, because I didn’t have the concept of a Loving, Gentle Father.

    I have to smile as I write this! Here’s myself, with NO children, giving suggestions to the parents of many, many children! The huge difference is that your children at home have known and began experiencing that nurturing care within hours of birth and it’s obvious to me that they have thrived and are healthy, loving children. But, on the flip side of the coin, I have been the child that never knew what nurturing was.

    I look forward to reading and watching the girls grow into ALL that He has lying ahead for them in life! Know that I am and will continue to lift you all in prayer. I’m specifically praying for all of you in Ch*na and also for your precious babies at home. Soon, you will all be together again and you’ll have to begin a whole new chapter in your lives.

    With much love in Jesus* name ~ Jo
    Karen J Moseley recently posted..9/11 – 11 Years LaterMy Profile

  5. Oh Diane this is amazing and yet I am not surprised as it has God’s hand in it! You and Mark are truly both very strong and such strong image to look up to in so many ways.

    Keeping you all in my prayers as you journey forward…big hugs to the girls in their new life in America!
    Jillian recently posted..Saying I DO By the Beautiful BlueMy Profile

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