The past couple of days have been much better for Eliza because we are back in the routine of our homeschool, and she likes that.

The girls are copying Bible verses each day in both English and Chinese. They have beautiful handwriting and seem to really enjoy writing the verses.



I’m not sure how Evangeline ended up writing John 3:21. I didn’t see that until tonight.

For my homeschooling friends, I’ve had these old Abeka writing books and have been using them for the girls to write their verses on, but I am going to get them the Getty Dubay Italics Penmanship books. I think they will really enjoy using them because they take such great care in their handwriting.

I have decided to go with Horizons Math 1 for both of the girls. Neither can tell time or add two column math, and I just feel strongly they need to move through it quickly to make sure they have the basics. I also feel that we need to move slowly in math because in order to teach the more complicated math, we really need to have a strong common language, and we are still working on that.

One reason I decided to go with Horizons Math is because there are scripture verses all throughout the lessons, and I really like that. I am starting later with Eliza and Evangeline, but there is nothing more important to me as a mother than making sure our children are growing in their knowledge of scripture.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. ~Psalm 119:11

Tonight Evangeline was showing Mark her Bible verses, and she began reading her Bible. She just picked it up and began reading it. I went over to her, and she said, “Mommy, I love this book. This book is really good.”

How I’ve longed to hear her say those words.

I took her picture because she looked so pretty, and also because I prayed for this day for so long.


Here is a terrible picture that our little David took of us tonight while we were reading. I am so tired in this picture, but it is precious to me because It shows how much more comfortable and connected Eliza has become.


Since I wrote the last post about some of the difficulties we have been having with Eliza, I’ve been overwhelmed with the feeling that we are exactly where God wants us right now.

We are indeed exhausted. The needs clamor loudly all day long for attention, and many times even long into the night. I am constantly meeting needs. We are in an extremely demanding stage of our lives, but I am convinced we are walking in Christ’s perfect will for us.

We have slowed down and chosen to focus on loving the children and meeting their needs, and the girls are thriving. We are spending our lives loving and caring for our large family which now includes two beautiful young ladies with huge needs, who spent the first fourteen years of their lives growing up in an orphanage longing for a family.

Now they’re here. They’re healing, and growing, and learning to love and be loved.

Somehow, the rest is okay. It’s okay if we’re tired. It’s okay if this is consuming right now.

It’s supposed to be.

God has redeemed their lives.

And we are so blessed to be a part of God’s redemption process.

I can’t help but feel that I was created for such a time as this.


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5 Comments on Such A Time As This

  1. Glad things are going better! Your new daughters do have beautiful handwriting! And I am so glad Evangeline has expressed a love for the Bible!

    Just wanted to say… you may be very tired in that picture, but is there anything more precious and beautiful than a mother who is pouring herself out in service? Blessings to you…

  2. Hi Diane ~ Glad to hear that things are settling down a bit and especially for Eliza! I just wanted to share this blog with you:
    This is a Mom to several China Blessings, too. But, she is also an awesome Homeschooler/Mama. She shares some great ideas for all ages. I think you’ll enjoy her blogging, if you don’t already. Hugs ~ Jo

  3. Diane, Look at the picture again. I do not see you as a tired person. I see you as a Mom. I see you as being at peace and relaxing. The picture is warm….look beyond what you see as tired and look at all your smiles. You built a family, a real family. That is the one thing that those 2 little girls dreamed of all their life. You are so pretty in that picture and I am sure those kids and Mark only see that as do I. What a role model you are in every aspect..I honor you.

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