Tonight, over two thousand years ago, He hung there on the cross, broken, His life pouring out for me, for the world.

I see Him there, amidst the darkness and the excruciating pain, crying out to His Father to sustain Him.

And I feel the incredible cost of redemption, unmerited and free.

He bought our freedom with His death. God incarnate went to the cross for me, His righteousness forever satisfied in the perfect unblemished offering of His Son.

We stand forgiven, righteous, redeemed at the foot of the cross.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

She leans into me, unaware of her weight, and I lose my balance, the glass breaks in my hands. I adjust my feet to stand against her weight. The soapy water runs down the drain mixed with the blood from my finger.

I see His blood, His blood that cleansed me. His life in exchange for mine.

Now He calls me.

Every day He asks me for my life, for my life in exchange for His. And every day I choose to lay it down.

“Sorry, Mommy.” She says as I pick up the pieces.

And I think of how he picked up the pieces of my life, how He pulled the broken pieces together and made me whole again.

His patience and love fills me, and I hug her. His love, His patience, His goodness making me like Him, His redemption making all things good.

It’s always Him.

Mark looks at me, protective, ready to step in and rescue me, but he holds back. He takes my breath away, the perfect balance of strength and tenderness.

And I see Jesus in his faithfulness.

There He is again, redeeming the broken.

Then the phone rings.

It’s the hospital. Evangeline’s vitamin D is very low. They need permission to supplement.

And I think about how she feels when I hold her, so frail, so feeble, so bony, so crooked, so very broken,

like the glass,

like me,

like Eliza,

and like my Savior, the Great Redeemer.

Deep inside the brokenness, the heartache, the longing, redemption reigns.

This broken Savior with a gift so free, so costly came to give me life.

Yet He asks for my life in exchange for His.

Daily I must die and He must live.

And in dying I live.

In the brokenness, I am redeemed.

He in me, and I in Him.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. Matthew 16:25


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2 Comments on Redemption at The Cross

  1. You have the strength to do this, Diane! Hang in there and take care of yourself too… Happy Easter, warm regards, Claudia

  2. Yes…. And you described the walk…….the talk…….. the struggle….. the healing. In him we find a life worth living.

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