Sometimes God’s ways are not our ways, and I am broken to share this most recent update from Ann.
” At 3:23 pm on July 1st, Teresa has ridden her princess bike into Heaven to meet Jesus. She had her ears pierced shortly before her last breath. While we were not there when she took her first breath,God blessed us to be there when she took her last.”
Please join me in praying for the Bartlinski family.

heartbroken for her broken heart… 🙁
Hugging my Chinese prince and princess a little tighter tonight… warm regards, Claudia
Heartbroken to get in and find this news. Praying for her family. I’m so grateful that they shared this beautiful girl and her story with us. Although the prayers weren’t answered in the way we hoped, I still feel privileged to have joined so many others in praying for her and for them.