This post is directed to all of you veteran fundraisers out there.
As I have blogged before, I have postponed really moving forward into adoption for two years because of the minor little detail of money. I really tried to earn the money to begin the adoption before I began, but then I saw Bi Lu’s sweet face and I new I couldn’t wait any longer. I’m not sure how to put into words the depth of emotion that overwhelmed me for this sweet young girl who is so vulnerable and alone in this big, big world.
When I watched Bi Lu’s interview with the adoption agency staff who had gone to the orphanage to meet these special focus children, Bi Lu seemed so terribly nervous. Her cheeks were flushed, and she seemed so awkward and afraid. I just wanted to hold her and love away the years of loneliness and abandonment.

I felt so sad for this precious girl who had to be videoed so her face could be spread across the world in an effort to find a family who would love her. No child should have to smile for a family she doesn’t know. No child should have to wait year after year to be loved by a family.
And I will say this now, even at the risk of offending some. We, as the Christian community, have failed these children. The Bible is clear, we are called to care for the orphans, but we live in our perfect little houses with our manageable number of children, and we close the door to what God wants and can do in our lives and the lives of these precious children. Why?
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27
I am not so naive as to assume that at almost fourteen, it will be easy to hold her and love away those years, but I do want to love her. I want to help her navigate finding her way into this new country and new life. I want to stand beside her and guide her as she moves into adulthood. I want to be her biggest fan. I want to share her future. I want to introduce her to The Savior.
There is a lifetime I have missed with Bi Lu, a life time I hope, in time, she will share with me. But even if she can never share those years with me, and even if she struggles to trust me for a very long time, I still want to be her mother.
So here I am with an incredible need to fund raise, and I’m not sure where to begin. I need to pay for our homestudy, first agency fee, and dossier fees all within the month.
About eighteen months ago, I started sewing a few things for only a couple of orders that came in. I completely failed to keep up. I lost all order in my house. It was really tough.
Suffice it to say, I am concerned that sewing may not be the way to go, and how can I sew enough in a month to make enough to pay the first fees? Perhaps that is just one of the things I should do.
I have thought about having a raffle of, perhaps, a kindle Fire. I could also raffle off a free pair of Pediped shoes.
I’m thinking of making quilted bags on the order of Vera Bradley bags, as soon as I get my machine back from being serviced.
What do you think?
Also, is pay-pal a good way to go? Or should I have the money be paid directly to our church in our name, or to our adoption agency?
Praying you all have some wisdom for me today!

Oh Diane, I didn’t even know you had been sewing. There are lots of fundraisers out there. I heard someone say that Paypal is difficult for raffles. I think they can pull it if they find out but I don’t really know. I have a friend who listed auction items, actually I know several people who have done that.
I’ll be praying for you.
Brandi recently posted..Ditto
I just wanted to reassure you that with God’s grace and help you will be able to love those years away. April was 11 when we adopted her and those years were filled with disappointment, loneliness and rejection. I too thought I had missed doing so many “first” things with her but was amazed at how many things in life she knew nothing about. Your relationship with Bi Lu is going to be amazing because God’s hand and plan is at work. I will be praying.
I suggest a Chip-In Button. You can have it direct deposited into your paypal account. This is what we are using for the auctions.
Paypal still gets a cut, but it is an easy way for the online community to be involved.
Here is a link to a blog where a family is doing something similar to what you are considering.
Amy R recently posted..A Visit From Ruo
Have you applied to ShowHope for financial aid? They do wonderful work and I’m sure if you explained that she will age out of the system if she is not adopted, they can offer something.