Evangeline and I had to run into BJ’s the other day after her physical therapy. On the way out to the van, we were caught in a downpour.

She loves the rain.


We ended up having more than a few things to unload, and Evangeline was in the cart piled high with groceries.

She was absolutely thrilled with the rain.

She stood in the cart and emptied it of its contents insisting that she unload every single item while I stood next to her getting completely drenched as well.

She giggled with glee at the rain. The entire ride home she talked about how much fun she had going to BJ’s with her mommy in the rain.

She has such an amazing ability to love and a resiliency that takes my breath away. In the face of so many physical issues, and in spite of a history of such huge deprivation and abuse, she finds the strength to love and trust again, and radiates such pure joy throughout the mundane activities of our days.

It was such a typical activity for me, just running to the store to pick up food for our family.

But in so many ways, every tiny detail of our lives with the girls is evidence of the miraculous. Every single trip to the market for food with the girls, every single time I hold them in my arms, every single time I kiss their sweet cheeks, I am living a moment ordained by the very hand of God, who knew and loved the girls from their very conception, and orchestrated every detail until He brought them home to their forever families.

Merely nine short months ago, the girls were orphans, waiting in China for their families.

The mere fact that we arrived in time was nothing short of an all out miracle. You can read that story here.

Five weeks before we travelled, we were still over thirty thousand dollars short. I wrote a post about how I knew God was making a way even though I couldn’t see one, and you can read that post here.

When we committed to adopting Evangeline and left our old agency, we had three short months to earn all the funds and get the paperwork done in order to arrive in China before Eliza aged out.

Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking.

The truth is, I was compelled by our Heavenly Father to go, and I knew, in the deepest part of my heart, that when we step out in faith to meet the needs of someone else, God moves mountains.

Friend, if you are trusting God for something big in you’re life, know that you can rest in Him. He will move every mountain just as He did for our family, and just as He has done for so many before you.

13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” ~Exodus 14:13,14


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3 Comments on She Loves The Rain

  1. Dear Diane, I know how you stand amazed of the girls’ development and attachment, it is such a miracle isn’t it? It may be a miracle, but never forget, it is for the largest part you and your family and the love and safety that you give these girls that does the trick…
    warm regards from warm and rainy Netherlands,

  2. Isn’t their joy so amazing ?!? So happy that things have calmed down for awhile ! Emily loves rainbows and pretty much anytime she gets to spend with her mommy just like her buddy !

  3. When you look back and read over your adoption journey it does give you pause at the awesomeness of our God!!! NOTHING grows your faith like an adoption journey and the journey continues daily after you get your miracles home!

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