
The WHOLE Story!

I wanted to go for two children from the beginning. I can’t really explain exactly why, I only know that it was always two for me.
We saw Eliza’s photo on a waiting child list and just knew that she was our daughter. We sent in our LOI and received PA about two […] Read more…

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny.

Nine baskets…

all in a row…

but still missing one for our sweet daughter on the other side of the world.

We can’t wait to bring you home, Eliza BiLu.
Candy Raiders…

We are thanking Jesus tonight for His death and life and praying that someone in China will share Jesus’ love this Easter with […] Read more…

Faith Like a Mustard Seed

I’ve been thinking a lot about faith lately.
You know, the kind of faith Jesus talked about when he said if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could say to the mountain, “Move,” and it would move.
I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you […] Read more…

Another Translation

Here’s another translation of Bilu’s letter. This one was done by a sweet Chinese woman named Ping that I met through a Facebook friend. Her translations are very good, and you can see how much variety there is when doing a translation. This one makes a bit more sense to me.
Dear Mom and Dad,
How […] Read more…

Another Letter

It had been a long day.
The children had not been feeling well. Our teens weren’t in very good moods.
Our boys seemed to need so much more to keep them busy than I had to offer even on a good day, and home school really could have been called anything but school; the word calamity comes to […] Read more…

What I’ve Been Doing Lately

As many of you already know, our home study went really well. Our social worker was so nice and really seemed to enjoy his visit with us. Just before he arrived, we got the play dough out for all the little ones. That was a great idea because the children were all little angels and […] Read more…

Just Sharing My Thoughts Today

Sometimes the needs of a large family just seem so diverse and vast that I’d like to hit a pause button somewhere just to slow things down a bit.
We had to make a few quick decisions for our oldest son, Andrew, this week. He is seventeen and in eleventh grade. As many of […] Read more…


Late at night, when the kids are asleep or settling in, and when Mark and I are really feeling the effects of our long days, here’s where you’ll find us…

knee deep in paperwork.

We are driven by a fierce love for a young girl on the other side of the world whom we have never met,

a […] Read more…

Thanksgiving Pictures

Well, I am still working on getting my giveaway button working but I wanted to share a few pictures from Thanksgiving Day at my parent’s house with my family.


There were over forty of us together this Thanksgiving! It was an absolutely wonderful day!

 Read more…

Asking For Wisdom Today

This post is directed to all of you veteran fundraisers out there.
As I have blogged before, I have postponed really moving forward into adoption for two years because of the minor little detail of money.   I really tried to earn the money to begin the adoption before I began, but then I saw Bi Lu’s […] Read more…

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